Using the Inventory Product Screen in AviMark

AviMark is a very popular practice management system, and there are so many functions that many don’t know about. This next video and blog was inspired by a wonderful member of our Facebook Veterinary Inventory Management Group; if there is something you are curious about, please don’t hesitate to ask!

When using AviMark there are several important areas that must be maintained properly in AviMark for things to run smoothly and function as it should. One of the HUGE areas is keeping the areas of inventory accurate and up-to-date. The inventory screens can contain a significant amount of information. Think about it, if your inventory screen isn’t accurate you could be severely undercharging or overcharging clients, reorder information could be inaccurate (increasing your indirect costs or frustrations), duplicate product codes could be created… I could really go on and on about the nightmare that happens when the inventory module is out of whack.

If you think your inventory is a bit (or a lot!) out of control, I would recommend going through each inventory item and making sure each area is accurate and filled in properly. Depending on the number of items you carry, this could be a long process. I think a nice way of breaking it up is when you place an order, go through every item on that specific purchase order and ensure everything is entered accurately. That means ensuring pricing information, action codes, markup information, re-order points, package quantity, and so forth are reviewed.

So let’s explore a little more with a demonstration of the AviMark inventory screen, and how the different areas function and can aid your practice. Please let me know if I can show you how to add different types of products or more information.

Thank you for watching, and thank you for all of your support!

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  1. […] out how to use the AviMark inventory screen, how to receive a purchase order with AviMark, and my top 10 list of inventory management […]

  2. […] If you need help setting up the inventory screen in AviMark, check out the Introduction to AviMark’s Inventory Screen. […]

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