Ep. 81 | The Education of an Inventory Manager – Pt. 2

If you can’t imagine associating feelings of freedom and pride with your inventory management system, then think again! No matter how chaotic or dysfunctional things may seem, you can get back on track to smooth operations, thanks to the procedures Nicole has developed. You’ll learn on this episode about the community of support, online course offerings and one-to-one inventory analyses available through Veterinary Care Logistics.


Rock star inventory managers are made – not born! That’s the message from Host Nicole Clausen, who on this episode of The Inventory Nation Podcast shares the personal story of her vision for an independent vet consulting business and how she made it happen. All the transformational tools and strategies she offers clinics around the country didn’t materialize overnight. As Nicole describes (starting with Part I of this two-part series), her journey included figuring out her niche, claiming and flying her own flag proudly, trial, error, and lots of good humor. The outcome of that recipe? A thriving practice that capitalizes on Nicole’s core competencies: A natural aptitude with spreadsheets and analytics, an entrepreneurial spirit and a passion for helping others.

If you can’t imagine associating feelings of freedom and pride with your inventory management system, then think again! No matter how chaotic or dysfunctional things may seem, you can get back on track to smooth operations, thanks to the procedures Nicole has developed. You’ll learn on this episode about the community of support, online course offerings and one-to-one inventory analyses available through Veterinary Care Logistics. Think your practice is THE worst? Beyond hope? Fear not! You’re in good company. “What you’re doing is so valuable, so important,” says Nicole. “Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise, because you’re amazing!” So keep the faith, ask for help and do something good for your soul this week, ‘cause you deserve it!

Would you like to learn more about Inventory 911 Toolkit, our step-by-step blueprint to help inventory managers optimize knowledge, strategy and confidence? Click here!

You can also join our virtual neighborhood for inventory managers and other veterinary professionals for free by visiting this link.


  • It’s Part II of Nicole’s Story! Part I is available here.
  • Trial and error delivered Nicole out of the chaos she initially experienced trying to get a handle on what it meant to be an inventory manager!
  • Lesson #1: Things may seem busy and in flux all the time, but a little data analysis reveals consistent patterns. Harness predictability and watch your COGs go down!
  • Lesson #2: Self-acceptance needs to be part of your business plan. When Nicole claimed her nerdy side (and facility with metrics) she upped her whole game. She felt good about herself and, more importantly, started having fun. Data was cool!
  • Lesson #3: A passion for helping others can be the fuel that launches your business venture – whatever it is – into the stratosphere. It was definitely a big driver behind Nicole’s desire to share, in the process uncovering her love of teaching.
  • Lesson #4: Dare to Speak! After giving a talk at a conference, Nicole felt electrified! The feeling of purpose and being of service to others “lit my soul on fire.”
  • Lesson #5: Proof of concept (field testing) is a great way to figure out whether your business model and programs support your clients’ goals and capabilities.
  • Lesson #6: It’s okay to pivot! Growth comes from periodically surveying where you are and adding offerings accordingly (in Nicole’s case, the decision to build community through forums like her Vet Care Logistics Facebook Group).
  • Lesson #7: Ask the clients! It was based on feedback from her Facebook group and elsewhere that Nicole came to understand the need for an intentional virtual community.
  • Note: Keep an eye on VISN – the Veterinary Inventory Strategy Network. It’s getting a new look! A community full of really good, kind, supportive people!
  • Covid19 Brainchild: The need to be remote coupled with all the systems Nicole had developed melded perfectly into an online course, starting with her Inventory 911 Toolkit for overwhelmed managers in need of a strategy.
  • Next Up: Nicole developed her Certified Veterinary Inventory Professional Program, a download covering cost analyses, diagnostic tools and everything else in her brain!
  • Additional Course Offerings:
    • The initial inventory expedition: A survival guide for the first 60 days as an inventory manager.
    • An upcoming new curriculum you won’t want to miss. To be unveiled soon!


  • “As an inventory manager I experienced what it looks like when things don’t feel right. It feels like you’re swimming upstream with a giant boulder.”
  • “Understanding the consumption and usage of trends and patterns, using that predictability and reorder forms, really changed the game for me as an inventory manager. It made my job so much less stressful. I was more confident in what I was doing.”
  • “For so long I struggled with what do I want to do, who do I want to be, what’s my purpose? But bringing the three key components (of inventory management consulting) together felt like, ‘Oh! This feels like something I could do!’ ”
  • “So much gratitude for all the people who believed in me along the way … I’m so honored to be a part of your inventory journey and world!”
  • “If I can help one person not feel so alone, like there’s someone in their corner, that would mean everything to me.”
  • “It’s very common for practices to struggle with inventory … (but) there’s no judgment here. Let’s just dig in and make this better for you!”



Veterinary Care Logistics serves veterinarians and their teams who are frustrated that their current inventory system is not functioning correctly and are facing out-of-control inventory costs and improperly stocked hospitals. VCL helps veterinarians through inventory analysis, comprehensive step-by-step action plans, and thorough team member training. My clients experience great success and rave about my work because I roll up my sleeves and get dirty working with your hospital to improve your inventory as if it was my own hospital.

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