Veterinary Inventory Strategy Network Platinum Group – A Member’s Experience

The Veterinary Inventory Strategy Network Platinum Group is a membership community that’s dedicated to helping veterinary professionals manage inventory for their practice.

Find out what the VISN Platinum Group made possible for one incredible inventory manager, Nicole H. of North Carolina.

Nicole’s Story

When my clinic got serious about making a change with the way we dealt with our inventory, and I was chosen to take it over, I knew it would be a daunting process. We were not counting in any way that was helpful, we had no idea if things were walking out of the building or what our A, B, and C items were, and we certainly were not using our PMS to our advantage and I had six months to figure it all out before officially taking over the role. So I did what any other person would do: I googled veterinary inventory and set out to teach myself all of the ins and outs and come up with a plan. Very quickly I realized that there were not a lot of resources out there short of “official” training programs (which yes, I did and no, did not find helpful).

And then I found Nicole and VISN.

It was a revelation. Finally, I had found a resource that actually helped me truly understand managing inventory. I learned what reports would be useful to me in our PMS. I learned how to develop reorder points and set up order quantities. I learned how to figure out my A, B, and C items. I learned about COGS (seriously, this was a thing I did not even have on my radar until VISN). When we started talking about having an online pharmacy, VISN helped me figure that out too.

Nicole takes you through it all, step by step, building a foundation to grow on. I was able to tap into all of the knowledge she was sharing and learn about everything I was looking for to get me started. It has only expanded my knowledge base by covering topics I didn’t even realize in the beginning I was going to need (hello pandemic inventory management!). And did I mention the action plans? Oh yeah, VISN helped me get that right too.

When I officially took on the inventory role for my clinics, I felt prepared and ready to tackle the inventory beast and that is in no small part to what Nicole provides at VISN. I continue to feel empowered every day knowing this resource is at my fingertips. When I run into a wall, I know I have not only Nicole but a whole group of people to turn to for help and support. I am confident in what I can do with my clinics inventory because of Nicole and VISN. It has been and will continue to be instrumental in my journey because not only does VISN offer me the opportunity to boost my knowledge on all things inventory, but it gives me a place to interact with others trying to do the same. Whether it is one of Nicole’s beyond informative master classes, or just a thread to troubleshoot a problem, I am surrounded by people who are dealing with, struggling with, and trying to improve the same thing I am because VISN is full of people who are speaking the same language as me, at all stages of the inventory journey, sharing their experiences and most importantly, their tips and tricks.

Without VISN, I would not be at the place I am today on my inventory journey.

About the Veterinary Inventory Strategy Network Platinum Group

The VISN Platinum Membership gives members access to a lot of great benefits; one-on-one coaching, new videos released every month, roundtable discussions with experts every month, and a new success kit every month.

Each success kit contains PDFs, checklists, guides, and spreadsheets on a different important inventory topic.

In addition, included in the membership is the “Pathway to Inventory Success”. It contains 5 unique stages: developing the mindset of a successful inventory manager, setting up a solid inventory foundation, developing your inventory system, creating a long-term success plan, and focusing on continuous improvement and advanced inventory strategies.

Click Here to Download!

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