Ep. 86 | 5 Steps for Getting Your Team Excited About Change

Change is never easy and – especially in a fast-paced clinic environment where so many variables pop up every single day – it can even be destabilizing. That’s why Host Nicole Clausen is devoting this episode of The Inventory Nation Podcast to Five Simple Steps to reduce the fear factor when it comes to adopting new systems or processes.

She walks us through practical approaches that will smooth transitions and promote buy-in from team members all along the way. So grab a notepad and hear how you can take the guesswork out of implementing change with some basic strategies (like clear communications, training and positive reinforcement). It’s all about setting your practice up for seamless, successful adoption over the long haul.

And you might even find your team getting excited because – when executed properly – new SOPs, methods and platforms improve everyone’s quality of life! “As people who are leading, changing and growing our practices, we have the opportunity to do better than what we had or were given in the past,” says Nicole. And how cool is that?

Ready to build confidence and fast-track change at your clinic? Join Nicole for her free three-day workshop series from April 18th-20th, My Roadmap for Effortlessly Crafting an Inventory Action Plan. Grab your complimentary seat now at this link!

You can also join our virtual neighborhood for inventory managers and other veterinary professionals for free by visiting this link.


  • All About Change: As vet professionals we face so many variables, adjustments and adaptations every day that it can feel hard to take on … change of any kind!
  • Let’s Get Excited About New Systems and Procedures with these FIVE STEPS:
    • Step #1: Communicate the change.
      • Provide as much warning as possible.
      • The less team members know, the greater their resistance will be.
      • The bigger the change, the longer the recommended runway and amount of prep for its introduction.
    • Step #2: Engage your team in the process.
      • Ensure that everyone understands the “why” behind whatever new systems or platforms.
      • Gauge your team members’ reactions and try to involve them with the process.
      • Resistance can be an opportunity to hold conversations or stage lunch-and-learns to supply more background and keep the info flowing.
      • Make adjustments or supply additional context where necessary.
    • Step #3: Provide comprehensive training and support.
      • The more your team understands, the braver they’ll feel about change.
      • Mentoring, cheat sheets and guides are all useful educational tools.
      • Knowledge is power!
      • Be proactive about protecting team members from feeling “thrown to the wolves,” vulnerable to bullying or left alone in managing the transition.
    • Step #4: Bridge the gap between knowledge and ability.
      • Provide one-on-one coaching to help team members make a seamless transition to actual execution of new systems or processes.
      • Use this juncture to monitor and assess for necessary improvements or adjustments.
      • Solicit and listen to feedback from frontlines adopters.
    • Step #5: Celebrate success!
      • Articulating wins helps maintain and build on momentum.
      • Ongoing reinforcement is crucial to sustaining new systems and processes.
      • Use rewards and other recognition methods to honor progress through positive feedback.
      • How’s it all working out? Keep an eye out for any areas of stress, anxiety or dysfunction.
      • Keep the channels open for candid dialogue!
    • Don’t forget to grab a seat for Nicole’s upcoming three-day workshop, My Roadmap for Effortlessly Crafting an Inventory Action Plan. It’s free and a great opportunity to learn about the Vet Care Logistics community!


  • “It’s helpful for team members to become aware of upcoming changes with as much advance notice as possible.” (Nicole)
  • “Change can be challenging because it takes us out of our comfort zones.” (Nicole)
  • “Providing enough time for people to process the change, formulate any questions, provide feedback and just get more comfortable with upcoming changes can really help transitioning to a new way that much easier.” (Nicole)
  • “If (team members) don’t support the change or believe it’s necessary, (adoption) can certainly be an uphill battle.” (Nicole)
  • “The more knowledge and training you can give (your team) on a new process or change, the more they’ll understand and feel comfortable.” (Nicole)
  • “As people who are leading, changing and growing our practices, we have the opportunity to do better than what we had or were given in the past. It’s so cool!” (Nicole)
  • “Changing something big – or even small – in a practice can be taxing to our capacity, so I think it’s important to celebrate that!” (Nicole)


Hi, I’m Nicole Clausen and I started Veterinary Care Logistics with the dream of changing the way we manage inventory together.

With 14+ years of experience in the veterinary industry, I have worked in several positions from receptionist to operations manager for several different hospitals.

While no two practices are ever just alike, I noticed one common problem: a lack of inventory management and control.

If you are tasked with managing inventory, I understand first-hand the challenges you face.

When I first started managing inventory, I struggled with the same things that many of my client’s experience: a to-do list up my chin and a pretty persistent case of imposter syndrome. But jolting awake in the middle of the night, wondering if you remembered to order rabies vaccines is no way to live.

I knew something had to change.

Veterinary Care Logistics was born out of the demand by several industry leaders to utilize my inventory system as a model throughout the country. Whenever I tell people what I do, I usually get a puzzled reaction: “Why would you want to do that? I hate inventory!” Truthfully, I love the puzzles, the numbers, and the strategies of inventory. But what really sets my soul on fire is creating lightbulb moments.

New clients who often come to me tell me that they feel like they’re drowning or that they think they’re just not cut out for this. Then once we start working together, putting systems in place, there’s always, always an “ah-ha” moment.

And at that moment, a shift occurs. You know exactly what you need to do. Your confidence rises. And the confusion, overwhelm, worry all begin to melt away like a bad, backordered-rabies-vaccine dream.

These are the moments I live for.


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