Ep. 40 | Inventory Monsters, Online Pharmacies, and more with Stephanie Goss

In this episode of the Inventory Nation Podcast, I am delighted to be joined by Stephanie Goss, the Director of Community Development for the Uncharted Veterinary Conference. We chat about how Stephanie got started in veterinary medicine and the path that led her to work at Uncharted. Stephanie and I also discuss:

  • How Stephanie entered the vetmed field.
  • How she leveraged her skills to help her succeed.
  • How critical having good people skills are in vetmed.
  • Inventory management.
  • Managing online pharmacy to help practices and clients both benefit.


  • Stephanie was not someone who always wanted to work in vet med. 
  • Stephanie’s background is in the arts and originally wanted to be a teacher.
  • Started working at her family vet as a front desk fill-in for someone on maternity leave.
  • Has been in vet med for 16 years and has been a great career.
  • She uses her art education skills every day in her career.
  • There is human interaction with people in every aspect of daily vet med work.
  • Stephanie ended up at Uncharted Veterinary Community organically through her interaction on the Facebook community.
  • She started as a moderator for several groups and over time grew into many other aspects of managing and leading the community.
  • Had a great example of inventory control in her early career. 
  • Stephanie leveraged her computer skills into a way to progress in the practice and her career.
  • She received intensive training in AVImark and learned to be a trainer. She began to help teach other managers and practices.
  • Inventory is a cornerstone of the business and it is overlooked due to complexity. People “hope” it will work out.
  • An online pharmacy can be great for the business if you use it in a way that makes it accessible to clients while still meeting the needs of your practice.
  • You must find the “right” online pharmacy for your practice.
  • Ask the clients, “How can we help make this easier?”
  • Practices still do not do a good job of managing the time and training for the inventory specialist. Inventory is usually an “add-on” to their other responsibilities which makes it difficult to manage.


Stephanie Goss started in the veterinary field quite by accident but fell in love with the experience of being able to serve people and their pets. With over 15 years of experience both on the floor and in the office, Stephanie is passionate about staff education, team culture, management and training. Stephanie loves helping managers and owners control their inventory and leverage their profits by maximizing their home delivery using online pharmacies. She is a vetmed nerd who loves to geek out about technology, especially Practice Management Software. She has experience as a practice manager in both private and corporate practices, ranging in size from one to seven doctors. She has experience as a consultant and trainer with AVImark software, paperlite/paperless transitions, practice management and staff. Stephanie currently runs a four-doctor practice in the Pacific Northwest. In addition to her work in the practice, Stephanie is the Director of Community Development for Uncharted Veterinary Conference. More notably she’s the co-host of the Uncharted Veterinary Podcast where her laughter highlights the start of every episode and her knowledge bombs reign down like massive chunks of enlightenment from on high.


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