Controlled Substance Guide: A Customer Experience

How can we make sure our hospitals are protected and in compliance? The first step is understanding the exact regulations and how we should apply that to our hospitals.

There are several options available to help your hospital. Recently, a wonderful and amazing client of mine recently shared this testimonial with me, and I wanted to share how the veterinary controlled substance guide impacted her hospital.

A Customer’s Experience:

“Our clinic opened three years ago and ran on Impromed Infinity for practice management software. Our practice owner ran the inventory and did it old school by only ordering as he used things and thought we needed more. We didn’t touch the Intelligent Inventory module until I was promoted and he asked I take over and tackle it. I was so lost trying to jump into inventory management with no physical history or system, especially for our controlled substances! Impromed had an electronic drug log that the practice owner thought would suffice for DEA requirements, but I started to research and realized we were way over our heads for Controlled Substance management.

I was terrified the DEA would walk in our doors at any second and it would be on me because I hadn’t resolved everything yet. I seriously lost sleep over it and would have nightmares. I would spend entire days trying to research the best way to manage the controlled substance cabinet, log book, etc. and I always went home feeling like I had gotten nowhere.

The Guide book had every single thing I needed to know all in one place. It told me what we needed to be doing and how to do it. It was easier to read than the articles and websites online, and actually made me feel hopeful that we could get this under control rather than overwhelm me further! Bonus points- I loved the layout and font. It made it more fun to read!

I expected the guide book to be something I read once and then never looked at again, or something to reference on occasion. But the second I got the book I sat down and read the entire thing and began highlighting and taking notes on all the pages. It seriously felt like I could breathe easier again, and like there was a light at the end of the tunnel! I felt motivated to tackle controlled substance management, I truly felt like I understood what I was reading and I actually excited to jump in and get started!

We have a paper log book as well as our electronic version. It’s up to date and has all the needed info logged every time. I have a schedule to count the controlled substances every other week, and we’re not having any miscounts! I have a Controlled Drug Guideline summary sheet the doctor’s reference when handling controlled drugs, so we are always following the rules, and I don’t lose sleep at night or have nightmares anymore! I still reference the guidebook almost weekly. It’s my favorite resource, and now I’m looking into the other Veterinary Care Logistic products I can utilize!”

If you are interested in learning more, check out the Veterinary Controlled Substance Guide & Log book, the downloadable PDF Controlled Substance Guide, or the mini Controlled Substance Log (perfect for mobile practices!). As with all of Veterinary Care Logistics products, I offer free two-day shipping, and 100% satisfaction promise & guarantee!

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