Tame your stress (and your storage) so that managing your inventory can finally be sustainable and profitable

your "deep dive" into inventory management so you can confidently hit "order" and get back to your patients

You’ve been stretched To your limits as an iNvenTory manager, placiNg orders in between appointments multiple times per week, if not every day

You’re the one person your coworkers look to when inventory is out of stock, and the one questioned by your boss when inventory costs are sky high from over-ordering out of your imminent worry. 

You don’t want every day to feel like you’re going face-to-face with The Loch Ness Monster, constantly questioning if you’ll have enough inventory to care for your patients properly, but you haven’t figured out a better way.

And, as expected, it’s causing items to be missed. You want to figure out a better way, especially after watching a coworker put a bottle with 99% dust and a quarter tablet back on the shelf, but you’re unsure where to start. 

Your old system is so far out of date that when you’re asked to run a report, it’s showing -3,081 capsules of Gabapentin when really you have

(or at least, you did earlier… time to put in another order *sigh*)

You’re ready to stop waking up in the middle of the night with questions flooding your mind like: 

Physically looking at every single item has become your go-to “system.”

Let me guess...


How do I track the jar of Panacur?

How do I communicate back orders — a board, a list, emails, shelf tags?

Do I delegate out different areas of the clinic for others to track and count inventory? 

How do I trust someone else to get it done correctly when I’m out of the office? Because SOS, I need a vacation! 

It’s time to come up from the wreckage of your daily workday tsunami and catch your breath! 

If you feel completely inundated with to-dos like needing to unpack last week's order, place another one, go back and recount that metronidazole (again), return Mrs. Jones' call, and read a UA... all while holding someone's dog… I'm throwing you a lifeline!

You deserve to run a tight ship and be recognized as the can’t-live-without professional that you are.

But doing so will alleviate so much of your day-to-day stress. 

Because there is a better way to run the day-to-day operations than feeling like you’re in a constant fight with Nessie. 

No one can effectively do their job when they’re routinely being pulled down by an inventory undercurrent that leads them into an anxiety-inducing mess daily. 

As an inventory manager, I understand that you’re managing a million things, and it can feel impossible to take the time to set your systems up in the most efficient way. 

This is how you’ll finally be able to feel:

Confident on Monday morning walking into the pharmacy and knowing exactly what and how much to order (no longer shaking bottles!) with the freedom to attend to your patients

Empowered in your role—certain that you are a valuable, important member of your practice (even if you don’t work with patients anymore). 

Goosebumps (the good kind) walking into your storage closet because it finally looks more like "the Home Edit" rather than "American Pickers," and you can find exactly what you need faster than a labrador eating a can of food.

Inventory System Deep Dive will walk you through setting up your systems so you can confidently manage your inventory without feeling like there's a constant hurricane of stress on the horizon.

Most (if not all) of the problems you’re currently facing can be solved by systems. 

This course will help you set up systems for your inventory and get your practice management system under control! 

You will gain confidence and a renewed sense of purpose and excitement because of all the positive changes you will make in your role and practice. 

Including, newfound confidence that you are SO MUCH MORE than just the “order person,” and that you are, in fact, a valuable member of the team that enables patient care to thrive. 

You’ll learn how to use reorder points and the same systems that have worked for hundreds of others in their practice. This is how you feel like you’re actually managing inventory, rather than letting the chaos and unknown control you. 


Grab your oxygen tank and dive into the curriculum:



Your Goals and Expected Outcomes are Outlined

Welcome Module

You’ll spend time getting familiar with the program before we dive into setting yourself up for success. We’ll talk about how to connect with your boss, supervisor, or team to co-create an inventory improvement plan. You’ll identify what’s not working and how to communicate with the rest of your team, “here’s what I’m working on and why, how you can support me, and what I need from you.” 


Your Inventory Report is 100% Accurate!



Your Inventory Counts are Updated



Your Inventory List is Cleaned Up



Get Your Software Under Control

We'll kick-start your next inventory adventure by getting your practice management system under control. How would it feel to know exactly what you have on hand? To be able to run a report and actually trust it? To no longer have products you sold 20+ years ago and haven't seen since Y2K? You're in luck! Once the inventory module of your practice management system is under control, you'll be able to use it to work WITH you, rather than against you. Throughout the remainder of the course, you'll learn ways to pair your software with your systems to take your inventory to the next level.

Module 01

Inventory Cycle Orientation 

You’ll be setting up your systems and organization within each part of the cycle. This will help you visualize the cycle of inventory management and call out who is responsible for what. We’ll also be talking about the impact of Cost of Goods Sold (COGS) and inventory costs.

Module 02

Your Reorder Point Worksheets & 
Activities are Complete



Notice & Identify “Low” Levels 

You’ll learn how to identify reorder points, the different types, and how to create your maintenance plan. This is where you’ll set up and organize your systems with seasonal products, and learn about the benefits of buying promotional items and bulk vs not. We’ll also explore “sea monster situations,” AKA expectations, emergency products, or when something has wildly low order points, and how to handle other irregular situations. 

Module 03

Your Ideal Inventory & Ordering Schedule is Outlined



Efficient Ordering

We’ll cover how to use a budget to factor in fixed vs variable costs, what vendors to use, and how many you need contacts for. We’ll also talk about ordering days, what to do when you are ordering every single day, and how to shift that to 2x per week. Ranger Tank will share the best days for ordering and the pros & cons of higher vs lower product stock.

Module 04

Receive & Organize

Ranger Tank will walk you through both physical receiving and software receiving to make sure it’s done correctly and on time. You’ll learn how to assign a role if it’s not your role and ensure it’s delegated correctly and getting done to proper standards. 

Module 05

Your Ideal Pricing Strategy is Documented



Strategically Pricing

There are endless questions on pricing your inventory in the practice, and this module will cover setting a markup on prices. You’ll be able to see indirect costs and the impact on the profit margin because of it. You’ll also learn how to use software to support pricing and the difference between prescription fee vs injection fee vs markup, and what they all mean. 

Module 06

Your Popular Groups or Packages Have Inventory Items Linked



Tracking and Consuming Inventory

You’ll set up and link any inventory items to treatment codes and learn cycle counting. You’ll also learn how to navigate waste/loss/expired products and set up an expired product tracking system moving forward. 

Module 07

Your Expired Product Tracking System is Set Up



Optimizing Your Inventory

What does it mean to optimize your inventory, and why does it matter? We’ll cover that in this module. We’ll leverage the MERIT Model for intentional stocking. We’ll cover what it is, how it applies, how to use it, and how to prioritize and categorize your inventory (so you are focusing on what’s most important and where your effort has the biggest impact). 

Module 08

Your Process Maps and Maintenance Calendar is Complete!



Wrap Up

We’ll conclude this course with an overview lesson and how to check-in with your leadership team, review goals, and celebrate your progress as you streamline your inventory management! 

Let's get started

Plus, you’ll also gain access to these bonuses!

Leadership Conversation Bonus Toolkit

You’ll gain scripts and other materials to help facilitate conversations with your supervisor around change management, your goals, and processes. This will also benefit conversations with your team as you communicate the improvements happening, so they know what to expect and how to communicate moving forward.

I'm ready to enroll!

A physical milestone step-by-step action planner 

You’ll receive a physical notebook AND a step-by-step action planner with milestones to help keep track of your progress. This is how you’ll know exactly where to start. You’ll also receive “badge” stickers when you have completed a milestone because who doesn’t love a reward for checking off a to-do list?  

enroll Now FOR only


Payment plans available!

Payment plans available!


enroll Now FOR only

You’ll receive a physical notebook AND a step-by-step action planner with milestones to help keep track of your progress. This is how you’ll know exactly where to start. You’ll also receive “badge” stickers when you have completed a milestone because who doesn’t love a reward for checking off a to-do list?  

A physical milestone step-by-step action planner 

You’ll gain scripts and other materials to help facilitate conversations with your supervisor around change management, your goals, and processes. This will also benefit conversations with your team as you communicate the improvements happening, so they know what to expect and how to communicate moving forward.

Leadership Conversation Bonus Toolkit

I'm ready to

Plus, you’ll also gain access to these bonuses!

Just imagine when you’ll be able to celebrate ONE WHOLE MONTH of not running out of anything.

It might feel like an impossible feat right now, but once you implement your PiMS and reorder tags correctly, they’ll do most of the work for you! 

Your inventory doesn't have to take up a bunch of time and be a significant financial burden. It is possible to manage your inventory more efficiently and intentionally!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

This course will set you up for success, so you’ll be able to:

  • Confidently order based upon data, not a “gut feeling” or “shake the bottle” test 

  • Create strategic inventory systems for ordering, pricing, cycle counting, and more

  • Have a maintenance plan mapped out so you can not only create these systems but sustain them as well

  • No longer feel a need to overcompensate by ordering too much because of a fear you’ll run out

  • Finally pull accurate reports to share with your practice manager or accountant

  • Ensure your practice is stocked appropriately for patient care but not overstocked and a detriment to the profitability of the practice

You deserve expert education to help you thrive in your role—but did you know that this course can also make your practice more profitable?

Setting up sustainable systems means that you say goodbye to wasteful overstocking, expired products, and costly communication breakdowns. After implementing the curriculum, students often see a dramatic reduction in Cost of Goods Sold (often 3% - 7%+) —which typically means a savings of $30,000 - $500,000 every year! 

So, are you ready to get your boss on board?

This is one investment with a whole lot of return

course syllabus

editable letter

Nicole Clausen, Owner & Founder of Veterinary Care Logistics

Meet Your Course Guide 

I've been in your shoes—showing up to work every day frustrated and stressed. I tried to fulfill my responsibilities as inventory manager with no internal systems or strategies for ordering, and it led me to my breaking point. 

Every day I would think to myself, "I just need to make it through the day." And one-third of your week shouldn't feel that way, especially when you additionally factor in how much time you spend thinking about work when you're not in the office. 

This job should not be a never-ending source of stress.

Once I figured out how to systematize this work, I knew I needed to provide you with the achievable steps you need so you can ultimately feel relief in your workplace.

Inventory System Deep Dive will give you concise trainings to set up your inventory systems in a way that allows you to show up confidently to work, and finally be able to leave the office without the thoughts of something going wrong consuming you.

Even if you feel like you were thrown into the deep end, Ranger Tank and I have your back, and we’ll give you the insight you need to start thriving in your role in no time!

Let me help you convince your boss

A few questions before enrolling? 

You’ll have lifetime access! You can come back to the resources in this course time and time again throughout your career journey.

You’ll receive an invitation to immediately join the course. 

If you’re already a member of the Veterinary Inventory Strategy Network, you’ll be granted access to the Inventory System Deep Dive under the “Courses” tab.

If you’re not a member of the VISN community, you’ll create a log-in to the Veterinary Inventory Strategy Network and then get instant access. You can start learning right away!

Because this is a deeper dive than some of our other courses, I recommend taking the Inventory 911 Toolkit or Initial Inventory Expedition first if you're a new inventory manager or need a "fire extinquisher" for your pharmacy. Once you’ve gotten your feet wet, come back and take the Inventory System Deep Dive!

The Inventory System Deep Dive helps you build a strong systems foundation and should be taken before you enroll in the CVIP. 

The Certified Veterinary Inventory Professional course is like earning your inventory MBA— your certification caps off all of your education and prepares you to own your role as a thriving veterinary practice leader!

Kick that feeling of "I'll never be able to organize my inventory systems" to the curb. I promise you it's possible.

The days you feel like you're staring at a shipwreck and being told, "you have to clean this up" are about to come to an end. With the step-by-step guidance in this course, you’ll be steadily cruising through your inventory process in no time!  

The Inventory System Deep Dive is designed to support you and do most of the heavy lifting.


It’s time to finally feel confident with your inventory 

​​​​​It is possible for you to have time in your day to dedicate to your inventory. ​​​​​​​​
It is possible to work efficiently during your inventory time with optimized processes.​​​​​​​​
It is possible to leave work without a mile-long to-do list running through your head. ​​​​​​​​

And, it IS possible​​​​​ for you to take time off and NOT get panicked messages about out-of-stock items. ​​​​​​​​
You deserve to have your time be your own again, and with this course, we’re going to make that happen, my friend. 

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