In this episode of the Inventory Nation Podcast, I am delighted to be joined by Dr. Angela Hoffman! In our discussion, she talks about how she found her way into veterinary medicine, her goals for growth, the importance of building real relationships with clients, and building a great culture within a clinic.

- Dr. Hoffman started working with a rescue group that needed a communications director.
- The rescue group decided to fund counselors in county animal shelters and she was selected.
- Eventually, she was asked by a clinic that she frequented to help out. After working in multiple areas there she decided to get her RVT.
- Went to St. George’s University at the age of 40.
- It’s tough to own a business and make so many decisions every day.
- Dr. Hoffman likes the idea of a smaller, more intimate practice. It’s a better experience for the client and it’s less overwhelming for the staff.
- Every time you double your business, you break half of your systems. And half of your employees. Be prepared for the growing pains.
- The bar is really low for customer service. If you can build real relationships and treat clients as human beings, then you can grow a business and create loyal clients.
- Creating a good culture is critical.
- It’s not young versus older. It’s just creating a safe space in your practice and learning to deal with different kinds of people.
- You know when somebody is not going to work out or fitting in with your culture. It can be hard to release them, but you have to because your whole culture depends on it.
- Figuring out what your core values are and hiring for that is critical. You can teach somebody how to answer the phone. You can teach somebody how to use your practice management software. You cannot teach somebody how to care.
- Book: Radical Candor is one of her favorites for managing culture and team members.
- Getting people in the right place is imperative.
- Dr. Hoffman’s advice for anybody considering the field; just do it.
Dr. Angela Hoffman, also known as the San Diego DVM on Instagram, is a small animal veterinarian in San Diego, California. She began her career in vet medicine later in life and as a mother of 4, attended and graduated from St. George’s University School of Veterinary Medicine.